Saturday, August 7, 2010

How Bella Got Her Groove Back

caywood-- As you may remember, boredom and ennui marked Bella's days since her return from resort living at the Inn and Spa at Pennsylvania Furnace. She pretty much thought good times were a thing of the past and that she was condemned to live out the remainder of her days in A/C-less, baconless discomfort. But life holds many twists and turns! One day you're waiting til sundown so you can scratch another tally mark on the wall of your prison cell, and the next-- kaboom!-- you're suddenly reconnecting with life's meaning. One never knows when a strapping young gentleman might enter the picture and liven things up for an elderly lady. Say, an ambitious border collie with a sweet eyes and a fetching aspect. Say, Seneca.

When Seneca's on the scene, Bella is one peppy puppy. No, she herself doesn't fetch sticks or chase a ball. But, she does enjoy sitting and watching Seneca do that. When Seneca's around, Bella remembers, "Hey, roll-arounds are fun. I think I'll have a roll-around." She smiles, and rolls around, scratching her back on the grass and sneezing happily. She also comes on all walks involving Seneca. Even very long walks. Even walks all the way to the lake and back. Seneca is the secret ingredient that magically turns a death march into a pleasurable stroll.

No matter what we are doing, Bella is more engaged and interested if Seneca is nearby. She has a spring in her step and a sparkle in her big brown eyes. We are not talking about a May-December romance, so please get your minds out of the gutter. Seneca is not Bella's beau. Theirs is a relationship that almost defies classification. They don't cavort around together, nor do they share many of the same interests, which makes it hard to call them "friends" or even "colleagues". As Karen has observed-- in a nod to her days GRE test-prep tutor-- "Garbage is the Bella as stick is to Seneca." Seneca is deferential and seems to understand Bella's approach to life is much more sedate than his own. Karen has also noted, "Bella acts around Seneca how I do around Jasper. It's almost like she can't stop saying 'That kid is just so dang cute!'"

So, you see, it's really more of a foster grandmother relationship Bella has with Seneca. She loves Seneca's cute exuberance and his playful approach to life. He helps her get in touch with all the things there are to enjoy about the here and now. And, she knows she can eventually give him back.

Not that Karen is a foster grandmother to Jasper. That's more of funny-friend-lady-and-co-aficionado-of-tractors-who-used-to-live-next-door-and-wishes-she-still-did-live-next-door-and-is-a-great-playmate kind of relationship. Also hard to classify.

1 comment:

  1. Great post!

    I, certainly, know how Bella was feeling and need something to get my groove back. I spend most of my days sitting in my camp chair, drinking coffee and nodding in and out of sleep. Occasionally I waddle off to the kitchen for a paper towel to sponge off the drool that has collected under my unshaven chin and in the folds of my stomach.

    If I could find some sprightly, young thing to roll around in the grass with, watch as she fetches stick and plays with balls - oh...but that would certainly be groovy. However, my doctor has prohibited such cardiovascular activity.

    In which case, I, too, would opt just for a good back scratch.
