Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Welcome, Allegra!

caywood-- We are filled with excitement and joy because our friend, Allegra, is visiting! Background: Allegra and Anisa met during their salad days in college, when their dorm rooms were within shouting distance across the hallway. These were the days when dorm phone calls were made in phone booths (where irritating people with no respect for the environment would leave on the phone booth's light after leaving the booth. Why? Can you tell me that? Do they only think of theselves?), Wifi was but a glimmer in your father's eye, and meals were had in the regular ol' campus dining hall.

How things have changed.

But what hasn't changed is Allegra's complete and total kick-ass awesomeness as a friend. We love Aleegra and are so excited she is here. O Allegra, you complete us.

Also visiting: A new friend! Seneca, the friendly and supersmart border collie from down the road. Seneca is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in thermodynamics, and in his spare time constructs challenging puzzles for keeping the human mind sharp. Cuddling and loveable, Seneca also shows amazing emotional intelligence. He shows respect for his elders (Bella) and for those of other species (Ruby). Yay, Seneca!

Notice to all other friends: Come visit Caywood before our special guests leave! You are most welcome to join the fun.

1 comment:

  1. They left the light in the phone booth on for Superman.
