Wednesday, August 15, 2007

And It's Just That Easy

en route... not that saying goodbye to LA, our home for a combined total of 28 years was easy. "And it's just that easy" is a tagline we often employ at the culmination of some set of super-laborious or complicated maneouverings. In other words, NOT easy.

Activities of the day included bidding farewell to loved ones and shedding tears as we hit the road for Lodi, NY.

But first, a visit to Anisa's parents in Tahoe!

This, the first leg of the journey, found us enjoying the bucolic and retro-Americana Highway 99 instead of the odious 5. Phoebe popped an angry head out of her carrier around along some rural stretch, which prompted a police inquiry as we made an unplanned stop at a deserted strip mall to repair P's carrier. The cop seemed to identify with P's misery saying, "Wow. That's a long drive."

Karen received her first Woodstock of the trip, for displaying exemplary PMA (another tagline-- Positive Mental Attitude) at the Merced Starbuck's after Anisa's disappointing orange frappucino. This taught Anisa that she could dwell on the sticky orange goo, or she could enjoy the warm summer breeze and the open road.

We arrived in Tahoe about 4:00 am, PDT.


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