Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Love Shackle
lodi, ny-- Perhaps you've noticed the picture of The Unknown Blogger, sitting on her deck, taking in the westward view.
You may think she has it made.
But no.
Shucking corn, shelling lima beans, straining butternut, tasting wine, skipping stones, shaping gnocchi and beating egg and flour until silky pasta emerges... these activities are but the tip of the iceberg.
My girl has been working the land. She is on the chain gang (self imposed). Was there ever one who appreciated hard labor as much as she? Yes, and they were pioneers.
Do you see why she is perfect for me?
Monday, October 8, 2007
Apple of My Eye
all around the finger lakes-- As our good friend Gillian Welch sings:
Peaches in the summertime/
Apples in the fall/
If I can't have you all the time/
I don't want none at all
We have experienced peaches in the summertime, which means it is now time for apples here in upstate New York. You may be thinking: "Eh, apples." But that is because you, like me, were trained to skip over the waxy, mealy apples in the produce section. Now I say: "Yum! Apples!"
When K's and my parents were here, we all piled into the cars and headed over to a U-Pick orchard on Stillwell Road. We loved the variety here (we had previously picked at a place-- good apples-- but only three kinds). Here we could pick Courtlands, McIntosh, Empire, Crispins, Honeycrisps, Macouns (pretty! purple!), and some others that I am forgetting. With some many hands, we loaded up our bushel box pretty quickly and headed back to Caywood Station (but not before setting off my car alarm in the orchard-- awesome. Greenhorn Alert!) where Karen whipped up a Julia Child*-inspired crust and tucked our apples inside. I used to say "Eh, apple pie." Now I say: "YUM! Apple pie!"
Since Karen had some dough leftover from her first apple pie (despite having made a pie and two adorable tartlets), she whipped up another pie last night. YUM! Apple pie! In true Almanzo style, we breakfasted on pie and coffee, before heading off to the fields for a little back breaking labor. (More on that later). I plan to soon make an applesauce cake with the applesauce we made last night. Oh, Karen has also made an apple coffee cake.
Pie, cake, applesauce, these are but a few of the reasons Karen is the apple of my eye!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Random Sightings of the Day
outside our bedroom window--
-Swirl of migrating birds in the field
rt 96N toward trumansburg--
-Two stickers on a bumper in Ithaca:
1) Ithaca is Gangsta [ed note: It's not]
2) I'd rather be spooning
-Hot air balloon over fiery sunset on Seneca Lake
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Birthday, Bubbly, and Bob
caywood station--Here's one thing we couldn't do if we lived in L.A.: Celebrate Karen's dad's 70th birthday in the rustic warmth of Caywood Station! A whole gaggle of Bob's loved ones converged upon the Finger Lake's region for the event: Ann (Karen's mom and chief party planner), Robin (Karen's sister and chief toastmaster), Jim (Karen's brother-in-law and all-around Renaissance man), Jake (Karen's nephew and well-rounded scholar/athlete), Emma (K's niece and head tap dancer), JoAnn (cakemaker extraordinaire), Pat and Jim (expert canners and wine makers), Emily (famous for many things, but eternally beloved for her famous Buffalo Wing Dip, Sarah and Fred Vergamini (beloved friends and Finger Lakes natives), Amy, Jay, and Lucy (wonderful neighbors who you've undoubtedly grown fond of though their own blog).
Food was eaten, drinks were drunk, dances were tapped, and toasts were toasted. There wasn't a dry eye in the house after Sis's touching tribute to my wonderful Dad. We had a fine time celebrating Dad's so far 70 grand years, and look forward to the many adventures yet to come.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Today's The Day!
The day we marched ourselves down to City Hall and got hitched, that is. We went to the city clerk in Ithaca and registered as domestic partners. The skies smiled on us, and after days of rain and grey, the sun shone gloriously down - a perfect reflection of the joy and happiness I feel. Today's our day.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Una Notita Secreta a Jose!
I Feel Sleepy
en route: central city, NE; yankton, SD; de smet, SD-- Saying "I feel sleepy" to each other pretty much sums up the day's conversational content. Unending fields of corn (and soybeans, too-- the story of our nation) have a soporific effect after so many days.
That being the case, we'll get right to the point.
Our main activities on 7/30/07:
-- Trying to stay awake
-- Stopping to view the Lone Tree historic marker outside Central City, NE as sleep prevention strategy. Yes. This memorializes the one tree that once existed here.
-- Wondering why the fuse controlling the dome light blew (continued from yesterday and day before)
-- Realizing--in South Dakota-- that we left the camera at the Lone Tree historic marker
-- Waffles for breakfast at the hotel
-- Wireless access for the computer
-- Anticipation of reaching De Smet!!!
-- Crossing the Missouri River
-- Karen has had enough of Nebraska
Thursday, August 23, 2007
lodi, ny - Since we got here to Lodi, we've been eating like queens. Not queens of England (no offense Elizabeth, Charles, et al) but queens of some luscious delicious place...like the Finger Lakes, maybe. We arrived in the height of summer, and everything is ripe and perfect and abundant. Our neighbor, Jay, is a master gardener and generously invited us to share the bounty from his garden. We've so far enjoyed chard, tomatoes, basil, melons, onions, shallots, mint, cucumbers, beans, cilantro, beets, carrots, and beautiful bunches of flowers from his plot.
We've also been prowling the local farmer's markets, farm stands, and you-pick farms. We keep trying to get enough so we can put some away for winter. A day or two later, we've eaten it all up.
The Finger Lakes is ice cream territory, too. We've been eating as much as we can, since many of the local stands close at the end of September or even Labor Day. We've discovered a local offering called a Boston milkshake - your favorite sundae in the bottom of a milkshake cup, with your favorite milkshake poured over top. Yes, you read that right.

Karen has been indulging her one true calling, slackerdom, so has had time to do a little cooking. I seem to do the most baking in the heat of the summer because the fruit is so tempting. A recent 93 degree, 90% humidity day seemed like a good day to make bagels, since you have to boil and bake those. Plenty of galettes with all those beautiful peaches and berries. Also a "congratulations cake" for Anisa's first day of classes, with the stone soup ingredients on hand here. Til Jeepie made it to Lodi, I was isolated out here since Anisa had to take the car to the bus stop. It's 18 miles to the market, too much for me to handle on my bike at this stage in my slothdom, so when I'm out of something, I'm out.

Daisy and Charlotte from Highpoint Farms
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Cows, Clouds, and Chemicals
en route-- Our friends at DWC did so much to ensure that we would never have a moment of boredom during our journey. Among the many treasures found within the magical red Igloo cooler of travel essentials was a deck of cards with thumbnail of each of the 50 states. We studied these with vigor, but also decided that some all of the states we passed through could use some help spiffing up their mottos...
New State Slogans from K & A Communications Consultants
NEVADA: "Please send water"
UTAH: "We hate you"
alt: "Don't bother stopping for the Salt Lake"
alt: "Got kids?"
WYOMING: "Is anyone home?"
alt: "No NPR"
alt: "Cows, Clouds, and Chemicals"
"Are We Still In" NEBRASKA
SOUTH DAKOTA: "We're not Nebraska"
IOWA: "Please visit. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease."
INDIANA: "Haha, you're in Indiana!"
OHIO: "Oh no, Ohio."
Consider It Done
lyman, WY and en route - Today was an on the road day, in Wyoming then Nebraska. A wide open, wild West day. We saw both the hard beauty of the place, and also the wounds from Cheney, Inc., tearing open the mountains for always more.
We wondered at the number of trailers we saw along the roads, then a conversation with the Gypsy clerk at the Sinclair gas station enlightened us. Wyoming needs cheap labor, but doesn't give those workers anywhere to live. New residences in certain counties must have 40 acres to build a home, hard to reach on a miner's or gas wrangler's paycheck. Lots of folks working hard and living in their cars, or hotel rooms.
But - we thrilled to the gargantuan clouds, the roller coaster dips in the road, the red rock carvings through the hills. Crossed over to Nebraska in the late afternoon light falling on endless fields of prairie grass and red clay, with Willa Cather always around the next bend.
-- First antelope of the trip, in a gentle rain just outside Laramie
-- Cold pizza for breakfast
-- Cheyenne is a hidden gem - we loved the City Newsstand and Pipe Shop. Enjoyed chatting with the man at the register, who also shepherded the local interest book section into being. The state house is a beautiful public space.
--Passenger reading aloud "By The Shores Of Silver lake" to driver - heartwrenching! We thought a road trip in a Jetta with a hotel every night was hard.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Today is National Cowboy Day!
en route-- Just as we had applied temporary tattoos to ourselves for the trip, Etta Jr., too, needed some gussying up to really get in the mood.
Hence, a "Reading is Sexy" bumper sticker and an Oxy window decal (the latter from former DWC intern, Becca). Etta Jr. clearly felt spunkier for it, and we hit the road at the crack of 9:00 am.
We followed the beautiful Truckee River east from Reno.
Nevada is a state to behold from the open road; you feel "the West" around each bend-- trains with colorful boxcars chugging every which way, sage and sky, puff-daddy clouds.
The prospect of a Basque meal in Elko, NV, inspired us onward, yet we found the Nevada Hotel closed mid-afternoon, as were the other recommended ones, according to the Euskaldun we met. By the time we rolled into West Wendover, NV on the border of UT, we were ready for some eats. Having dined at Tacos Poblano and brainstormed some alternate names for the place ("Tacos Ayudame", "Tacos Peligrosos") we can now advise you that when faced with the decision to pull over or push on at this exit-- push on.Next, the Bonneville Salt Flats and Salt Lake City. What's the big woop? The Salt Lake doesn't smell good, and the roadside view spot is disappointing.
Things starting looking up as we proceeded north to WY, the Cowboy State. How appropriate, for we learned in Wendover that TODAY is National Cowboy Day.
Road sightings:
-- A FUN HOME license plate on a motor home, surely an allusion to Alison Bechdel's fabulous graphic novel of the same name
-- 1st tumbleweed of the trip
-- CLOUDS!!!
-- Cool town name: Beowawe (Beowulf's little bro?)
-- Billboard on I-80 at Delle, UT: Eastbound (toward UT): MissionaryMall.org, westbound (toward NV): VaVaVoom, Wendover's Adult Novelty store
-- Free beer from Travis, proprietor of Suds Brothers microbrewery in Evanston, WY
-- We didn't get killed in either UT or WY
Friday, August 17, 2007
Lolling Around at the Lake of the Sky
south lake tahoe, ca-- Aaaah, the High Sierra. Blue skies, chance of afternoon thunderstorms, and a light breeze to go with the whispering pines, quaking Aspen, and the call of the Steller's jay. What better way to get acclimated to our future life in the country?
While Phoebe mapped her vacation topography...
...and Ruby hid under the bed, we accompanied Anisa's mom to her Soroptimist meeting. Not only was it fun seeing members of Team Tuscany, but at the meeting we learned that one of only eight platinum-level LEED certified buildings in the U.S. exists right here in the Tahoe basin. It houses the Tahoe Center for Environmental Sciences. If you are an fiery proponent of green buildings, as is our friend Joe Altepeter, you will click here for more! That called out for a day trip, so we piled into the car with the folks and headed over to Incline Village (on the other side of the lake) to check it out. Turns out it has a cool 3-D theater where you can "fly" over and under Lake Tahoe UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Center
a model of the research vessel used to monitor the lake's water quality and more. Our docents were well-trained volunteers. Also, there is a Sri Lankan deli across the street that we liked.
Next, the winding road led us through the mountains to a neighboring (and much less visited) limnilogic zone, Silver Lake. There we enjoyed a delicious dinner at the rustic Kit Carson Lodge that's right, you LHOTP fans, On the Shores of Silver Lake! Sunset, moonrise, blueberry lemon whipped cream meringue confection on the deck overlooking the lake to the north and the campfire circle to the south... it was a dream we never even knew we should have!
Other Tahoe highlights:
-- Mom's Macaroni Salad
-- Dad's breakfast
-- Netting $69.00 at the coin counting machine
-- Raley's clerks who clearly understood the power and romance of the American road trip
-- Bumping into one of Anisa's nursery school cohorts at the vet's
Did you know the Washoe name "Tahoe" means "lake of the sky"? Learn more fun facts here: http://www.virtualtahoe.com/Community/TahoeFAQs.html
Word of the Blog: limnology
Thanks, Mom and Dad! We had a wonderful visit with you and can't wait for you to come see us here in Lodi!
Preview of next entry:
Phoebe backseat supervises packing for the next leg of the journey...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
And It's Just That Easy
en route... not that saying goodbye to LA, our home for a combined total of 28 years was easy. "And it's just that easy" is a tagline we often employ at the culmination of some set of super-laborious or complicated maneouverings. In other words, NOT easy.
Activities of the day included bidding farewell to loved ones and shedding tears as we hit the road for Lodi, NY.
But first, a visit to Anisa's parents in Tahoe!
This, the first leg of the journey, found us enjoying the bucolic and retro-Americana Highway 99 instead of the odious 5. Phoebe popped an angry head out of her carrier around along some rural stretch, which prompted a police inquiry as we made an unplanned stop at a deserted strip mall to repair P's carrier. The cop seemed to identify with P's misery saying, "Wow. That's a long drive."
Karen received her first Woodstock of the trip, for displaying exemplary PMA (another tagline-- Positive Mental Attitude) at the Merced Starbuck's after Anisa's disappointing orange frappucino. This taught Anisa that she could dwell on the sticky orange goo, or she could enjoy the warm summer breeze and the open road.
We arrived in Tahoe about 4:00 am, PDT.
los angeles - Such words were uttered once or possibly twice over the merry three days known as "hell on earth" "why are we doing this" "packing the truck". Happily, the Los Angeles weather cooperated, and it was a pleasant 9 million degrees over the course of the weekend. Picture a Rubik's cube the size of a semi, except the cubes are all fragile, and your stuff. I'll stop there, except to say to our friends who helped with muscles, motivation and moral support - thank you, thank you, thank you. You know who you are: Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Christopher, Lorna, Laura.
< Insert Circus Music >
los angeles - Well, let's be honest. At times, DWC does seem like a circus. However, this was the first time in recent memory that there was an actual cotton candy machine, a roving clown, and ring toss set up in the Day Center. It's only now, a month later, that I'm wondering why exactly my co-workers chose a carnival theme as my send-off party. Was it a reflection of me... or a larger metaphor for the inner turmoil we mortals experience in the world of work? Well, whatever the reason, Karen and I loved the carnival and all the carnie trappings. Ring toss, hot dogs, hula hoop contest,
candy, coin toss, face painting, snow cones, and yes, a REAL cotton candy machine!
And right there in the midway, the one and only Ricardo and his musical stylings. Women were swooning but he kept crooning.
Many beautiful words were spoken, memories shared, and new memories created. Anisa was astounded by the creativity and the lengths that the carnival crew went to. But what was even better was that everyone, most of all the ladies, could enjoy a super fun, super fabulicious patented DWC extravaganza. Step right up!!!

Hello? Is this 1871?
Anisa says "you could have knocked me over with a feather", and several other Ma-isms, too. She sends her heartful thanks out to the DWC community - friends, volunteers, colleagues, co-workers, and co-pioneers for coming out to see her off, and for all the fun and kindnesses over her years there. DWC, you are truly missed.
Those people in the strange clothes?
No, we don't know them at all!
Friday, July 13, 2007
all purpose but heartfelt invitation
Hey dear friends and family!
We want you to come visit us here in Lodi. Click below to see our handy online calendar. You can add your visit to the calendar to let us know when you're coming, see who else might be here at that time, and see what else is going on here.
Our address:
1517 Caywood Rd
Lodi, NY 14860
Phone: 607-582-7637
Great times to visit:
-- Late summer: hot summer days, cool nights, great swimming
-- Fall: the leaves are turning in all their glory, harvest time at the vineyards
-- Winter: come play in the snow and skate on the lake!
-- Spring: blooms are blooming, flowers are flowering, and everything is green
-- Any other time: it's always a great time to come visit us
Click here to see our calendar and add your visit!
Here are some links to things you can do in the area
Cornell University
Caywood Vineyards, just down the road. "Best champagne i've ever tasted!" says Karen's Dad
We love the food, the view, and the people at the local Stone Cat Cafe
The Fox and the Grapes - a beautiful B & B at the end of our road, though of course you'll be staying with us!
Syracuse Airport - the closest major airport
Lodi, NY homepage - our tiny hamlet, with its own Amish cheese stand
Finger Lakes Tourism page
Local wineries- we're very close to Wagner and Lamoreaux