Thursday, July 24, 2008

You Are Welcome

caywood station--Another summer has come to Caywood Station, and in case we haven't told you lately, you are always welcome for a visit*.

Seasonal Amenities:
-- Ruby's Cowgirl (or -boy, if you prefer)Suite: Year 'round
-- On-site Sulpher Spring Spa (ok, that's an inside joke. Don't expect a whirlpool): Year 'round
-- Delicious ice cream: Year 'round
-- BBQ's on the deck: Pretty much year 'round
-- Daffodils and forsythia: Spring
-- Ample reinforcement of resurrection motif: Spring
-- Hikes to all manner of incredible gorges and waterfalls: Late spring-fall
-- Strawberries: Early summer
-- Cherries: Summer
-- Blueberries: Summer
-- Peaches: Summer
-- Corn, tomatoes: Late summer
-- Vine covered deck: Summer, fall
-- Humidity: Summer, fall
-- Apples: Fall
-- Karen's Famous Apple Pie: Fall
-- Fall colors: When you think
-- Parsnips: Winter
-- Grey skies, denuded trees: Winter
-- Anisa's Famous Angst: Winter

Don't be a stranger**!

*Offer does not apply to weird Internet stalker types.
**Offer does not apply to weird Internet stalker types.

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