Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day!

caywood snow fort-- There's a little storm rolling over* The Nation's Midsection** and Northeast. Perhaps you've heard of it?

People all around us have been talking and speculating about it, swapping advice about which stores are most important to lay in if you want to survive.

Yesterday, we woke up to find... a few inches. But definitely the most snow at one time we've had so far this winter. AND, our road wasn't yet plowed. Feeling hopeful, we scoured the Internet for school closures.*** Watkins? CLOSED! Elmira? CLOSED! Chemung? CLOSED! But what's this? Ithaca: OPEN!

Why why why why why?

Well, probably 'cause it's really not that much snow. Still. Hopes had been raised then dashed.

We made it off our road with a running leap and jumped onto the state highway. Snowy, not treacherous. Trumansburg's streets were downright clear. And then there was Ithaca. A traffic jam on West Hill, really? Superslushy uncleared intersections and side streets, really? The one of us prone to ranting about what constitutes a true snow "storm"**** was heard to huff, "WTF, Ithaca? Haven't you had since 1789 or whenever you decimated the indigenous population to figure out how to deal with snow?"

Fast forward through the day: "This is only the beginning!" warned every weathercaster in the Western world. "Tomorrow expect droves of snow, wintery mixing, patchy freezing rain, and harp seals and polar bear cubs falling from the sky!" Chicago's schools are set to close for the first time in twelve years!***** More speculating around the water cooler. Will the office be closed tomorrow? Should we leave early? Will we ever see each other again?

Back home, 8pm: Ithaca isn't waiting. They've already called it: schools closed tomorrow!

Yeah, baby! That's what we're talkin' about! Rejoicing and tears. We are so happy and cozy, ready for a night of fun stuff and staying up late.

This morning: Yay! It's already a snow day! We don't even have to check. Which is good because it is hard to discern if any snow has fallen since last night when we got home. Our road is plowed and completely unobstructed. Is that blue sky I see?

Satellite images of this storm are awe-inspiring and downright frightening. Except for that tiny patch of non-storm right over Central New York. Weird. But we don't care!

It's been a great day!


* Or, if you are into inflaming the masses, "hammering," "slamming," "gripping," or "torturing."

**What newscasters call the Midwest when suddenly "Midwest" isn't descriptive enough or when they are obsessing about body image.

*** Because one of us works in an office that closes with Ithaca School District closes, and the other of us is encouraged to work at home during bad weather.

**** Certainly not less than a foot of snow at once.

***** Proving once and for all who the toughest people in the nation are and who the real winter bad-ass in this relationship is. Who walked to school in -18 degree weather at age 11? Not this kid!

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