Saturday, July 26, 2008

Through the Day Today

weos 89.7 fm geneva/ithaca-- For this entry, I've tasked myself with trying to convey the amusement we experience while listening to the local weather reports. When we first moved here, we were bewildered by meteorologist Tom Churchill's tendency to say such things as: "Mostly cloudy today. From the clouds, rain will fall." Well, sure, we thought. Where else would it come from?

Soon, we found ourselves mimicking Tom's idiosyncratic nasaly singsong delivery. He starts every forecast with the words "Through the day today" so of course when we are talking about what's on our personal agendas, now we say, "Through the day to day..."

Karen finally figured out that much like the operator at POP*CORN, each bit of Tom's weather forecast is recorded separately so weather staff can just piece it together according to each day's need. That's why he always sounds weird and always sounds exactly the same.

OK. It's funnier when you are a) here, b) when you hear it repeatedly, and c) when you are as dorky as we are. Here are some weather pictures:

Raining really hard with flashing lightning and booming thunder: Exciting!

The next day: Pretty!

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