caywood station --
Phoebe enjoys a sliver of winter sunshine.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
In the Dictionary Under "Badass"
Monday, February 15, 2010
A Bummer of a Newsflash
the caywood newsdesk-- Bluebird, why hath thou forsaken us?
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, New York ranks 51st on a state-by-state list of happiness. Does this mean our unhappiness goes to 11? Possibly. But it also means D.C. was included on the list, which they should be happy about, since the researchers evidently decided that taxation merits representation.
We're almost as unhappy to report that California ranks 46th on the list. I guess Empire and Golden-ness can't buy happiness after all. No, for that, you need a pelican.
To see where your favorite state lands, go here.
Community Voice: Battlestar Galactica
From the Feb. 13, 2010 edition.
"A couple of us would like to know where we can learn how to line dance. We don't mean contra dancing like at Tioga Trails, we want line dancing."
Contra dancing is for sissies.
"I wonder who the person was that made the stupid comments about the battlestar galactica figurines and star wars trading cards. You mister are not funny at all. If you can't say anything constructive, then shut up!"
I knew Luke Skywalker. You, sir, are no Luke Skywalker.
"I want to comment on the suggestion by a pennysaver reader that the numbers be placed on top. I like where the numbers are right now because every time it says continue on page 9 or 10, you just look on the corner and it's right there. It makes it easy to find. Please keep the numbers the way they are."
The Pennysaver's pagination is a special part of my day that I look forward to! Don't move my cheese!