Sunday, May 25, 2008

Read The Coop

caywood station--

Friday, May 16, 2008

First Harvest

caywood station --Well, it may not see us through the winter, but it's food! From our garden! That we grew! Never was a radish crunched with more relish than today at Caywood Station. Thank you, garden!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


all around a few weeks ago--

It's expansive! It's explosive! It's positively electrifying after a lot of months of grey! It's... forsythia!

The appearance of forsythia has so altered my outlook that the rest of this entry is dedicated to the various springtime manifestations of its color.

Beautiful tree... I love this tree!

Cheerful daffodils will personally greet any mail you send us...

Rumored future site of Lodi's first microbrew! (Much needed during the grey months)

The Finger Lake Times has yellow boxes, but for real news, you need the Seneca Shopper

Viola from Countryside Produce will soon find a new home on our deck...